Since English is the medium of instruction and communication the students are instructed to speak only English in the School.
Two days prior application is required for the issue of any certificates/Tax Receipts/Mark sheets from the School.
The students are expected to maintain proper discipline in the campus, class and school bus and obey the teachers and the elders. Action will be taken against indiscipline and disobedience.
School Uniform is compulsory. Prior permission must be needed for any change
Do not send any thorny fish
Gold ornaments of any kind are not permitted in the school if lost, the school authorities will not be responsible.
No complaints against admission/selection will be entertained.
Any change of address of the students should be informed to the school authorities in due time , with proper official documents.
Change of travel conveyance will not be entertained for a short period.
Coloured House- T shirt (Std V-Xll) should be worn on Monday and white T-shirt on Wednesdays.
School Uniform :-
Students have to strictly follow the below mention dress code:
Full uniform with ID card, socks and shoes . .
Modest colour dress is permitted on all first Fridays and Birthdays .
Students of Std I- V should wear tights under the skirt.
Hair to be plaited on two sides or a single pony with white band.
Use only white clips or bands. Flowers not allowed .
Do not wear gold ornaments , long ear rings, anklets or bangles along with the uniform .
Hair should be kept clean.
Nails should be trimmed and do not use nail polish or mehandi
Full uniform with ID card, socks and shoes.
From V-Xll students, on Monday wear House T-Shirt.
Low waist pants are not allowed.
Hair should be well trimmed and kept neat, fashion cutting is not allowed
Nails should trimmed and clean
short should be neatly inserted
The school insists on punctuality, regular attendance good manners cleanliness and devotion to study above all a student must be courteous to superiors and fellow students.
Every students shall bring the text books and note books required for the classes neatly covered and labelled. Newspapers, Periodicals , electronics items, pen drive combs toys or picture shall not be brought to the school.
Every child must bring this students diary to class daily. No pupil is allowed to tear any page from this dairy or permitted to use it as rough work book
Every student's cooperation is required to help in maintaining the school clean and tidy. Waste paper and other waste materials should be disposed off in the bins provided for the purpose. Defacing of walls, destruction of furniture , tampering the plants in the garden etc. will be fined.
All assignments should be regularly completed and submitted. Parents/ guardians are requested to check REMARK section in the school diary and Parent login App daily
Pupils are responsible for the safe custody of their books and other belongings. No valuable articles or money should be brought to school. Sharp instruments and tools are not allowed in the school premises.
Students must move along the corridors in absolute silence and in an orderly manner. While moving to classes or halls, they are to keep left and move in a line.
Students who remain in their class room during intervals are not Allowed to play inside. They are not allowed to play in the corridors during intervals.
Students are not allowed to leave the school premises during class time without the writtenpermission of the Director I Principal. They should never have any contact with strangers on their way to orback from school.